Friday, September 18, 2009

Return of Perpetual Trophies

Last year we asked for trophies to be returned in advance so they could be checked for minor repairs. For 2009, our perpetual trophy coordinator - Patricia Finnegan TCRG - is requesting that trophies be returned side-stage on Thursday evening at the Oireachtas venue. Awards are always presented in the room with the built-in stage so that is where she would like them dropped off. As you face the ballrooms from the hallway, it is the room on the far right.

Winners will be contacted by Patricia shortly but please feel free to pass this message on to any trophy holders in your school in the meantime. Please ensure trophies are polished and engraved with name, school and year. If any repairs are needed, please get an estimate and let Patricia know. If nameplates are missing, please consider having them replaced to preserve the history of these trophies. Who knows? Maybe one day your dancer's name might fall off - you'd appreciate the same done for you. A list of previous winners is available here. If you have a trophy that is not on the site (or has info missing), please take a close-up photo of the trophy and list the years/winners/schools to help finish this project. Consider taking the photo against a plain backdrop to save time editing it with Photoshop...

E-mail photos and info to Ryan.

If you can't be there on Thursday evening, please send the trophy with someone else. Each year we are stressed over chasing people to get these trophies lined up for the award presentations. Every few years someone forgets altogether, which has resulted in a mad-dash drive home and back on Friday, missing their child's competition. Even if the award won't be presented until Saturday or Sunday, we'd like to know everything is in order. Some regions require the trophies be mailed in advance at the winners' expense. We don't want to have to switch to that sort of system. We have a limited staff of volunteers, all of whom would rather be watching the dancing during the day rather than chasing down people for perpetuals. Since most of those teachers will no doubt be wearing spiky high heels over the weekend, it would also be unsafe for them to be running around the halls chasing down these trophies...

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